Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Vacuous Spider Rom stared as if in disbelief as we slammed into the shallow lake, its fringes dwindling to the edge of sight, its waters clear yet the bottom impossible to discern. Or'do flexed his claws, a roar brimming on his lips, hate spilling from his eyes. He lunged, smashing an iron fist against the monster's stone fist, lifting it clear of the watery ground and heaving it onto its back.

Or'do smiled, slamming his fist into mine as we stood over the steaming corpse of some vanquished foe.

I surged in at his side, my blade digging into the monster's ribs, filling the air with a series of discordant cracks and ribbons of black blood that writhed and convulsed as they burst free. Rom shook, yet it was not with fear that siezed him. Rage gleamed in her many dark eyes as she flipped back onto her thrashing legs, manuvering her bulk in a slow circle as she eyed us warily, perhaps respectfully.

Or'do roared in triumph, a grin parting his lips as he punched the air.

Now it was I who bellowed, tears of rage burning like beads of molten glass along the corners of my eyes. This beast represented the Dark that had stolen from me the last thing I treasured. Taken with careless ease the one for whom I would sacrifice everything. Dealt to him a harm no amount of rage could ever undo. And this, this drove me on even when my body cried out in torment, even when my greatsword was ripped from my grasp as the monster heaved and jerked, even when my knuckles cracked and forearms shivered with slender cracks, even when my elbows threatened to burst from their sockets I did not surrender.

Or'do laughed, leaning back into the sea of shadow that lurked beyond our fire's pale halo. 

Rom shuddered, her entire body - thrice a man's height in length, four times his width in girth - rocked by the force of blows that carried not my strength, but the endless, boundless power of hatred. My lips burst open in a howl reeking of torment, sodden in agony that no healer could undo, and again I drove my fist against the beast's stony head, yet this time, it was the monster who gave. With the horrid sound of snapping tendon, Rom surrendered its head, the almond of pitted rock flung some thirty paces by the force of the blow that ended forever the Vacuous Spider's life.

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