Friday, November 27, 2015

Without warning, it sprang: scythes fading into silvered crescents like the sliver moon bathed in solemn starlight. Too late I retreated, leaping back yet feeling the glacial fire of its blade curl across my abdomen. Anger's flame burned through me like molten steel coursing through my veins in time with the furious thunder of my heartbeat. Lunging, I brought him to his knees with a round from my pistol, then plunged my fist into the soft flesh of his neck, wrenching forth a pulsing chunk of his foul body.

He roared, slashing wildly and driving me back. The air howled and wailed like the keening of a thousand grief stricken souls as he stumbled forward, still on hands and knees, slashing madly. Floundering to his feet, he sank into a low stance, balancing precariously and swaying as his life streamed from the daggers adorning his back, and the ragged wound glistening upon the corded steel of his neck.

Without sparing thought nor breath for hesitation, I lunged, yet recognized at once that something was wrong, his eyes blazing with triumphant fire, his leaden arms rising as if with the strength of a thousand men. Instantly, he recovered: the weakness, the apparent and all consuming fraility had been little more than a feint for which I had clumsily fallen. I wrenched my body aside as his blade clanged against the floor, cleaving the air I had occupied; yet I had not the time to riposte, for he immediately pivoted, pursuing me with broad strokes that sundered air and tugged upon my cloak with a hundred curious hands. I fell to my knees, rolling in desperation as he slammed both weapons into the earth no more than a half pace behind; yet here was his final and damning mistake.

I leaped to my feet, my blade turning to a flash of honeyed light that sank its fangs of steel into his corded thigh, severing muscle with an audible twang like failing bowstrings. He crumpled, and no sooner had his knees met the stone, than my fist was passing through that soft patch behind his jaw, driving fingers of cold iron into the warm, squirming mass that dwelt within his skull. It twitched, convulsed beneath my hand, as if it were itself alive and terrified of the fate that loomed before it. I pivoted, using my entire body to wrench the monster's brain from its throne, and cast the foul tendrils across the stones. Steam coursed from its nostrils and gaping maw as still with an expression that spoke of profound shock etched upon its features, the monster collapsed and fell forever still. I had triumphed this day.

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