Monday, November 30, 2015

We had explored the Cathedral for some time before Or'do began to fade. It was as if the colour suffusing him bled into the stones, pooling in a basin of shadow around his feet. The strength left him then, and he crumpled to his knees; yet I saw even now, not a hint of fear on his angular face, not a wisp of terror in those deep crimson eyes. Having vanquished the lord of this domain, our bells had fallen silent, and it was with this thought, the fear of never again seeing my comrade, that I fell to my knees beside him, hands clutching at his cloak and passing through it with little more than a hushed whisper.

"Or'do!" I kept my voice muted, fearing the attention of whatever foes we had not yet slain.

"Do not fear for me. This realm is merely casting me back to my own world, my own plane among its infinity." He met my gaze, his eyes hard as steel yet warm and kind as the bonfires that sustained us. "I will find the next lamp, and with this bell call for you."

"What if I cannot find it?"

"I will wait for an eternity if I must." Or'do smiled as the void took him. "At you side is where I belong. In this foul world, or any other, I've nowhere else I would rather be."

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